Are You Meditationally-Challenged?- Meditation Made Easy

November 22, 2020 1 Comments

“The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure you seek. “

– Joseph Campbell

“When is the last time you’ve meditated?”

This is usually the first question I ask my students during a personal consultation when they express they are feeling angst in their lives. Most of the time the answer is, “I haven’t, I don’t meditate, that’s not for me.” This is the biggest single travesty that you can make against yourself. The art of meditation is just that, an art. And the expression of art has always been molded within the hands of the artist. If you begin to approach the idea of meditating like this, you do not create hurdles, where they do not exist. Most people only think they cannot meditate because, simply put, they do not know what they are doing. And it can be very discouraging to do anything when you have no confidence in what steps you should be taking. If the above student’s reply, sounds like you, then this is not by accident that you are seeing this post. Meditation is easy, once you find your groove. Push forward in this post and read each and every word. They were written with the deepest expression of my love to help those begin to understand and activate their TRUE power. Enjoy.

Beautiful! — glad you stuck around. Now, let’s learn about activating the Higher Self by first understanding the Sun. That’s right, the one and only S.U.N. The Sun is the highest expression of a conscious – unconsciously living energy within our immediate solar system. The energy of the Sun provides such a profound source of solar energy, that has the ability to sustain all life. Just think about a bright, sunny day, how good the Sun’s rays feel on your shoulders, observing how gleefully nature behaves. How well the Earth responds to the Sun’s light energy through the vegetation it produces. There is another being in this solar system that shares similar light energy, and this being is known as the “soul”. There is a reason the soul is called sol, as sol means light, and one o the best ways to activate that light is through the act of meditation. So yes, the key to your illumination is through your personal practice of meditation.

If the idea of meditating feels like a bill that you know you have the full amount of money to pay off, but decide to pay the minimum instead. Meaning you know you should do more, buttttt you’ll hold off and just give minimum effort. Every time you opt against meditating because you’re too tired, too busy, too annoyed, too broke, or just too lazy, you make a withdrawal from your spiritual bank. Don’t think that I am implying only spiritual people meditate, or that to mediate means that you are seeking some form of spiritual enlightenment. Many people meditate for the purpose of diminishing stress, anxiety, or just because they enjoy the calmness that is benefited from it. Regardless of your approach to meditation, may it be spiritual or not, the overall benefits will drastically enhance you, both physically and spiritually. 

What is Prayer Vs. Meditation?

Meditation should not be confused with prayer.

A lot of times when I speak to people and ask them, “When is the last time you’ve meditated?”, they will usually respond with, “I prayed the other day.” Again, meditation is not religious but can be included in one’s religious practices and rituals. Prayer is an active state of consciousness. When we pray we are either asking for something or asking to take away something. Prayers can be in the form of gratitude as well, by giving thanks for all of your blessings, but again this act is done consciously. So how does praying differentiate from mediating, you ask?

Simply put, meditation is the act of quieting, centering, and aligning the mind, body, and spirit. 

Love Naturalee

During prayer, we are actively engaged in conversing with the Supreme, however, during meditation we have the opportunity to listen. When we stop to listen, we begin receiving the answers to our prayers through ideas, inner feelings of joy, and overall calmness. Meditating can leave you feeling light-hearted, ethereal, and gleeful. Learning to meditate correctly can take time, but it is not impossible and starts with the commitment you make to yourself to do it. You owe it to yourself, to activate your higher state of consciousness so that you can begin living the life you Love Naturalee. ; )

The Benefits of Meditating

The benefits of meditating are infinite. When you meditate, you begin the process of activating and aligning with your Higher Conscious Self through raising your vibrational frequency. The Universal Law of Vibration states that every vibrates at its own vibrational rate. The quicker the energy vibrates, the higher its frequency, the slower the vibration, the lower the frequency. Having a high vibe or low vibe is something that we causally consider in our day-to-day interactions, however, you can always expect to maintain a high vibration mood once you’ve begun to seriously incorporate a personal meditation practice. 

The purpose of meditating is to enhance your spiritual mind and to develop personal awareness by connecting the mind, body, and spirit. When we are able to align, center, and ground our mental, physical, and spiritual bodies, we begin opening our inner portals to activate our light energy. Now you may be asking yourself, “Why the hell would I want to activate my light energy, and what even is my light energy?” Well, glad you asked.

You have a metaphysical energy body, the same as having a physical body. When our metaphysical body is worn down or vibrating at a lower frequency, this can mean our physical energy is depleting as well. Ever, notice just how much bugs are attracted to light, the more you enhance your inner soul-glow, you encourage the manifestation of your dreams. Now, let’s look into what meditation can actually help you with.

What can meditation help with?

Meditation has been known to support with correcting and helping to alleviate the following:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Confidence
  • Emotional balancing
  • Self-awareness
  • Spiritual development
  • Developing clarity
  • Connecting with your Higher Self and God
  • Heightening your intuition
  • Increase your creativity
  • Stimulates your passion and sex drive
  • Develop more loving relationships 
  • Overcoming addiction 
  • Healing past emotional traumas
  • Increasing your health
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Enhancing your digestive system
  • Promotes better sleep 
  • Overall wellness and being
  • The best form of Self-Care

You can use meditation to do anything! This list is just to name some of the more common benefits of meditation.

Do not ever limit your practice or exploration of meditation. Its benefits are boundless because your spiritual energy is boundless and has endless capabilities.

Love Naturalee

Some of the metaphysical benefits of meditating include:

  • Channeling beings from other dimensions
  • Raising the vibration of your energy field
  • Astral traveling
  • Raising the third eye and crown chakra
  • Strengthening your auric field to protect your energy
  • Enhance your sexual allure
  • Visualization and manifestation
  • Dreamwork and astral projection
  • Shamanic work
  • To curse or hex
  • To cast spells that influence others thoughts (especially romantically)
  • To send telepathic messages
  • To meet your Higher or Soul self
  • To have Astral Sex

So knowing all of these benefits, why is it so hard for us to commit to a dedicated meditation routine? Why do we get discouraged or feel as if we have to “be in the mood”?  Let’s try this quick exercise, together.


Think back to a few times where you’ve considered meditating but did not. What reasons or excuses do you typically give yourself? Write these reasons down. Highlight the ones that you feel you use the most.

Now take a moment to review the list of reasons of what meditation can help with and identify which benefits are most appealing to you. Also consider what type of metaphysical benefits that are appealing as well. Do you have a larger list of reasons to meditate versus reasons not to meditate? Take this list and file it to use as inspiration the next time you are feeling meditationally-challenged. 

A lot of times we avoid meditating because our ego is trying to keep things the same. The ego does not enjoy challenges or appreciate it when you make decisions that go against the normally scheduled program, because it enjoys control. Overcome your ego and make it your mission to begin connecting with your Higher Self through meditation. The best way to do this is by instituting a strict mediation schedule until it becomes an active part of your daily (or weekly) routines. 

There is no right or wrong way to meditate. There is only YOUR way of doing it. 


A lot of times people think meditation means sitting with your hands crossed, chanting in some foreign language. While, yes, this is a form of meditation and a very beneficial one, this is not what meditating has to look like for you. Your meditation routine should be one that feels comfortable. If you prefer lying down as you meditate, then do so, if you like music, perhaps you want aromatherapy or just silence. Maybe you’d like to incorporate nature or just sitting and people watching is enough. Meditation can be achieved while doing a chore, cooking a meal, or even while making love. I repeat, there is no right or wrong way for you to connect to your Spirit. The object is for you to find what works for you and institute a system that helps you to stay aligned within your physical, mental, and spiritual body. When you achieve this, your emotional body will also be healed allowing you to clear your Akashic records, ultimately making way for the allowance of powerful manifestations. So how does one actually go about creating a personal meditation plan?

Creating a personal meditation plan that actually works

  1. Identify what time of day is available to you where you have the calmest setting to work within. The more noise, the more challenging it can be to focus. Keep in mind that meditating at the start of your day may be easier because there is less mental buildup from the day. However, meditating closer to the end of the day is a great way to clear the mind and conduct a mind dump. Or just try both!
  2. Reflect on the earlier list where I asked you to highlight some of the benefits of meditation. Which benefits did you find most alluring? From this list select the most intriguing benefit and make it your meditation goal. Just start with one, remember the goal is to create a long-term meditation plan, and once established, then you will begin to work towards other goals. 
  3. Write down your meditation goal, the time of day, the length of time you’d like to meditate (i.e. 15mins), and for how many consecutive days do you plan to meditate.
  4. Next, you will decide on the type of meditation you’d like to try first. I recommend starting with grounding by focusing on your breath and conducting a body scan. Follow this link for a great intro to a body scan meditation that will lay the foundation for grounding meditations. Link to grounding meditation.
  5. Add to your list the other types of meditation you’d like to explore and switch up the variety when you feel your routine getting stale. Remember, keep it simple, keep it fun.

If you are looking for creative inspiration to get you started in your meditation practice, here are a few quick meditations that are my personal favorites. This shortlist includes a combo of meditation styles that are creative, fun, healing, and imaginative. Each meditation is a great way to activate your Higher Self, try each one!

The Circle of Protection

Great for: Empaths and for anyone who wants general protection over their energy.

Best time to try: While basking in the Sun or when you feel like you are under spiritual attack

Length of time: 5-10 mins

What to do: I love conducting this meditation while I am sitting in the Sun. If you are familiar with the protection spell called the fiery wall of protection, which is highly potent, this is a version of that same spell done through visualization. Begin by mentally drawing a ring of fire as wide as you’d like around yourself in a clockwise position. Feel encouraged to use your hands. Envision yourself drawing down the heat from the Sun to create this fiery wall. Now, imagine the fiery light surrounding you, warming your skin, warming your blood, bringing your comfort and security. Imagine that the heat from this flame is defending you against all intruders on your energy. Hold the image of this circle of fire around you in your mind as long as you can. When you feel your energy recharged and protected, give thanks to your Higher Power or Self and close the circle by undrawing the ring of fire surrounding you in a counter-clockwise direction.

Visualization of the Ideal Body or Ideal Life

Great for: Manifesting desired future outcomes. Manifest easier with these steps!

Best time to try: In the complete dark, or whenever you are in really good spirits or just before bed.

Length of time: 10-20 mins

What to do: This is by far the easiest and most fun version of meditation. It’s basically daydreaming but done with conscious thought and effort. Visualization allows us to direct our thoughts and create the desired outcomes that we want to manifest most.  This meditation is best done in the complete dark. When we visualize in the dark, we activate our pineal gland and kundalini energy. Sit or lay down in a comfortable position. Next, begin your daydreaming session by imagining in great detail as if you were watching a movie of yourself. Visualize from start to finish as if directing a movie scene with precise detail on how you’d like your dream life or body to be. You can use music to set the mood. This is a great exercise to do right before bed because it opens for your fantasy to continue its projection into your dreams.

If traditional is just not your thing, I get it. Instead, why not try some of the following meditation methodologies that will ease you into a steady, yet pleasant, meditation practice. With these activities, the intention would be to be mindful while performing the task, so mindful, that it takes you into a trance. Most of these suggested activities you most likely participate in daily already, so incorporating meditation should be an easy transition.

Activities That Double as Meditation

  • Cooking or baking
  • Gardening
  • Stretching/exercise
  • While making love
  • Masturbating
  • Cleaning
  • Swimming
  • Bathing or showering
  • Washing hair
  • While receiving a massage
  • Listening to music or performing music
  • Drawing or painting
  • Writing (in any form)
  • Arts & crafts

The purpose of meditation is to encourage a stronger relationship with your Higher – Conscious Self. To remember the true nature of what it is to be human, to still the world for a few moments, long enough to reconnect with who you TRULY are. Do not be discouraged. Continue to hold yourself accountable, and remember…

“The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure you seek. “

– Joseph Campbell

Till next time, sugahs, stay juicy.
