The Four Agreements You Need to Apply in Your Daily Work Life

April 28, 2021 0 Comments

What are the Four Agreements and why do you need them in your work life? If you’ve never heard of the Four Agreements, then welcome to the club. Ironically enough, I’d learned about the Four Agreements through a colleague at work. I’d been training a new hire class for the past month and I guess my stress from training was starting to show. He was a student in my class and had suggested I check out this book called The Four Agreements. We were always exchanging interesting ideas such as recipes or travel tips, so I trusted his judgment. When he mentioned I should read this incredible book that changed his entire perspective on life, I knew I had to give this book a try.

Ugh, but I didn’t have the time to read, I was in the middle of grading exams and prepping classwork. Hmmm, there had to be a way I could check out this book and still manage productivity. Aha! – I’ll just listen to the audiobook.

So confession, because I like to keep it trill – I did not read this book at first. I instead listened to the audiobook and yes, my friend (let’s call him Marvin) was correct. It absolutely changed my entire perspective on life. I eventually did purchase the e-book; this is how much I loved it!

If you have not heard of the book The Four Agreements, this is the post for you. My purpose is not to influence you from purchasing the book for yourself. Instead, I want to show you how to apply these principles in your day-to-day work life to achieve success!

Let’s face it, whether you’re working a 9-5 or self-employed, work CAN BE STRESSFUL.

The Four Agreements are a set of life principles (that we will dive into further in a bit) that you should mindfully apply in your day-to-day life. These principles have helped me to become more self-aware. This is one of the hardest things for most people. True self-awareness is the act of bearing witness to our actions, how they affect others, and how well we manage our emotional responses to others’ actions and life events.

When we become more mindful…

We lose judgments

Drop our insecurities

Begin loving from an unconditional place of deep understanding

Applying the Four Agreements in life is not easy but applying them in the workplace is even harder. Whether you work directly with a team, customers, or colleagues, chances are you interact to some degree with people. Frustrations can occur when our expectations are not met or when we’ve had a not-so-pleasant exchange with someone else. In the workplace, it is harder to express these frustrations while maintaining a professional demeanor.

The Four Agreements and applying them in the workplace is all about the shadow self. As a shadow-work shaman, I’ve seen a lot of unresolved pain and lower-emotional responses from others. These individuals have not yet worked through the energy blocks within themselves.

What I mean by this is, most people are just hurt people, hurting other people.

We’ve all had that toxic colleague that complained all day or the person that’s not pulled their weight but stands front line with bells on when credit is being given. The fact of the matter is, we cannot control other people, but we are able to control ourselves. This my friends are what this post is here to help you do. Identify how the Four Agreements can be better applied in your workplace because I’m a sucker for wanting to see you happy.

Simply put, the four agreements are principles to live by to create more awareness about what you are creating. It’s a way of holding up a mirror to reveal how our perspectives shape our reality.

Adopting new personal philosophies is an alchemical process.

Your personal philosophies create your personal ethics. That moral compass that we all walk with deep within our hearts. Are you listening to that little voice inside? If you want to make the world, a better place, gotta look at yourself and then make the change

You may be wondering at this point, well who the hell created these Four Agreements? My bad – Meet the man behind it all, Don Miguel Ruiz!

Personal growth and spiritual self-help enlightener. Mexican-born, Ruiz considers himself to be a spiritual teacher, specializing in Toltec wisdom. He must know his stuff. He is an international best-selling author. Selling over 12 million copies of his works in over 40 languages worldwide, and has endorsements by Oprah! Mr. Ruiz appears to be a man of deep compassion and humbleness. Want more of his wisdom? Watch this interview with Charlamagne the God. Visit his website to check out his other books! Most of his books are in audiobook format as well, I’d know ; }

Why should you apply the Four Agreements in the workplace?

  1. The biggest reason is to keep your stress levels in check. When you apply the principles of the Four Agreements, you can manage your trigger points with better control. You’re able to identify your stressors, putting you one step ahead of your worries.
  2. To remove inner blocks that are holding you from achieving your professional goals. If you are underachieving in your career goals, it is time you check how you are applying these agreements in your work life.
  3. To help gain clarity on performance issues. Do you often receive the same corrective feedback? Whether in a customer survey, during a performance review, or from colleagues? Maybe you’re a poor communicator, or terrible at follow-up, whichever the lack thereof, these principles will help fill the gaps.
  4. To discover your true career path. Most people do not work in their dream job role. We tend to work in positions at companies that are not the best fit for our true divine gifts. I’ve worked as a corporate trainer for nearly 15 years and trained over 300 people. I can say, most people are wasting their time and talent because they either lack clarity or don’t have enough belief in themselves.

So, what are these Four Agreements, you ask? Download this free PDF and save it for when you need a conscious reminder.

I know you’re eager to learn how you can begin incorporating these principles into your workplace, so let’s do it!

How to Apply the Four Agreements at Work

Agreement # 1 – Be Impeccable with Your Word

Truth and integrity are important parts of your occupation, no matter what that occupation is. Even a spy has to report the truth back to intel and headquarters. As we become a more digital world, clear communication is a must! Communicate clearly and following through on your promises to customers and colleagues alike. This is how you establish strong business relationships. Do you need to strengthen your communication skills? Should you consider taking an effective communication or public speaking course? If you are an entrepreneur, effective communication is equally crucial for your marketing plans.

Want to start improving your communication skills today? Here’s a tip…proofread everything before pressing send or post! Most errors in communication are from lack of proofreading or from over-proofreading. For larger writing pieces, take a break for 15 mins before returning to proofread. This gives your eyes a fresh restart.

Agreement # 2 – Don’t Take Anything Personally

How well do you receive feedback? Whether that feedback is from your team leader, colleagues, or testimonials. Try your best not to take it things so much to heart. Receive the information as an opportunity to see yourself through others’ eyes. Especially if this feedback often shows up in your life. What to do instead, is place yourself on a personal improvement plan. Take personal notes on how you react to things and apply correction behavioral steps. Commend yourself when you do well, and acknowledge times where you could have done better. You don’t have to alter who you are. You are enhancing who you are.

Agreement # 3 – Don’t Make Assumptions

Communication is key. Often, we make assumptions about who works in a workplace and who does not. But the fact of the matter is, it is outside of your control over who does what. Unless it is your company, or you are in a leadership position, your focus should be on yourself. This is not to say that you should deliberately take on others’ workload, but it does mean to mind your own business. Stay out of office gossip and don’t get caught up in the drama.

Drama lowers your vibe and drama always loves to create more drama.

Share your needs with team members, team leaders, and speak when you feel injustice in the workplace. Ask for clarity on projects and tasks when needed but remember…never assume.

Agreement # 4 – Always Do Your Best

This principle speaks for itself and so should your work. First impressions are just as important as the last. My mother always told me, “Do things right the first time, so you don’t have to come back to do them again.”
This means to always put your best foot forward, and place pride in your work. Everything that you create is an extension of yourself. Those of you seeking GOD-hood must apply this principle. Ask yourself, where are you not doing your best? Write a list of small goals to start improving in this area.


It’s time for some work therapy. Find a notebook or journal. You can choose to use your phone to store your notes. Over the next week, record your responses to the following clarity questions. At the end of each workday, take 5-10 mins to quickly jot down your answers to the following:
  1. Did you have any emotional triggers? If so, what or who emotionally triggered you? What were your emotional responses?
  2. How are you feeling about your productivity for the day? Did you complete all of your goals/tasks for the day?
  3. Did you apply honesty and integrity in all of your work today including your communication with others such as peers, leader, and customers/clients?
  4. Was there a circumstance that happened today that you could have handled better?
  5. How can you compliment yourself for a job well done today?

At the end of the week, review all your responses, notice any patterns in behavior? Try to journal for another week, then compare notes from Week 1. Do this for however long your Spirit advises. It is a great way to mind dump at the end of the workday to lessen the amount of work stress.

Remember, whether you are an entrepreneur or employed by a company, it is not healthy to bring work home!

Woohoo!! You’ve done it! You now know how to apply the four agreements in your workplace successfully! Don’t forget what you’ve learned here today. Use the Four Agreements as a foundation for creating a happier work environment for yourself and those around you. It is your sole responsibility to make sure you are happy mindful and joyful. Remember to purchase The Four Agreements from Don Miguel Ruiz. Don’t forget to check out his website as well, he has many other books on personal development.

Comment below or just say Hello
How long were you able to apply the Four Agreements in your workplace?
Was it a challenge to do so? Were you already applying any agreements?
Do these agreements work for you? If not, what agreements can you come up with on your own?

Share your responses to the above in the comments– I’d love to hear.

Till next time principled pretties!

Love Naturalee out!
