September 11, 2019 1 Comments

What if someone told you that you can have anything you desire? As if you magically stumbled upon a small rusted hunk of metal, only to kick it and realize, “Oh shit, a lamp!!” But it’s not just any lamp, it’s a magical one, and you intuitively know just how to use it. You squeeze your eyelids shut and press your palms against each side, and as the heat from your flesh begins to permeate the lamp, POOF! Before you appears your wish-maker, a real-life gin, the manifester of your desires. But wait…there is something so familiar about them. Too often we fail to make the realization that we ourselves are the genie and our very own Creators.

Are you familiar with the Laws of the Universe? These are Universal laws that maintain order and balance within all the Cosmos. If so, this will be easy to follow, and if you are not familiar, great! There is so much for us to explore. 

The Law of Attraction, aka LOA, states like attracts like. All experiences are a direct result of vibrational signals sent out into the Universe. Meaning every occurrence, person, every THING, is in constant response to your current state of being. Whether the vibes are positive or negative, see why vibes are so important? Your vibrational offerings are a direct response to your own B.S. By B.S., I mean belief system, not bullshit. The beauty about LOA is you can immediately begin to manipulate this law to create more desirable outcomes.

Let’s start with defining what a desire is versus what an intention is. A desire is an intense feeling to possess something, a feeling or someone. An intention is strongly focused willpower to achieve that of which you desire. The two operate in tandem; a strongly set intention equals fast manifestations. The stronger the intention, the stronger the magic. Starting to make more sense, isn’t it? Here are the 7 Most Powerful Steps to Magically Manifest Your Desires.


The dalai lama, x-ray vision

Like a kid in a candy store, try not to make your mind up too soon. The world is loaded with options and hidden treasures for you to explore. Get out there and allow the contrast to reveal what it is you enjoy most. One of the best ways to get clear on any decision is through the practice of meditation. Yes I know, “I can’t meditate, my mind is way too busy.” Do not get discouraged, with trying anything new, it will take time to get good at and eventually master. There are even different methods of meditation also. I like to meditate to the sounds of drums, it feels primal and very natural to my spirit. Whatever you decide, if you stick with it, you will be clearly manifesting in no time!


Leslie jones, ask a question

If you do not clearly ask for what you want you may never get it…like NEVER. Once you’re clear on your desire, it’s time to state what it is you want with a gleeful heart! One of the best ways to do this step is by writing down your desire (preferably in permanent red ink) or having a personal conversation with your Higher Self, some would call this prayer. Try to avoid discussing your desires with others, this may be hard to do at first, but sometimes others cannot share our vision and may inadvertently create energy hurdles for the manifestation of your desire.



This is the creative portion of the process and can be performed in any way that calls to your spirit best. Perhaps draw something, create a sigil, do a candle lighting ritual, masturbate, write a poem or journal, take a spiritual bath. There are no limits; no matter how creative, elaborate or minimalistic, you’d like to be. You can even opt for a more intimate approach by meditating, chanting or reciting a prayer. Whatever your preference, it’s important you do something that will encourage your ego to forget your intention. This way the ego cannot negatively impact your desire’s creation. Experiment with this step and always remember to keep a journal entry of the personal ritual you performed. 


Pure joy and happiness, happy dance

Ahhh – now for the fun and easy part. Mastering the art of anticipation is the key objective here. Get into a mental, emotional, and if it applies, even physical state of joyful anticipation. Negative emotions get in the way of the effortlessly flowing stream of positive energies that are working diligently on your behalf, so don’t fuck up the vibes with ego-led limiting BS. Anytime you feel doubt begin to set in, try this quick exercise. Scan your immediate surroundings and identify at least 3-5 objects that immediately grab your attention. Make a mental connection with the item and begin to conceive how it was created and engineered. Understand that everything began as a prototype – even human beings! It is important to understand every single creation began with just a thought, which leads us to our next powerful step. 


personal belief

Your belief is the single most crucial part of the manifestation process. If you do not believe that the desired outcome you are wanting has the possibility to happen, then guess what….it ain’t gonna happen, capt’n. This is why Step # 4 is also important, as it allows you to get into a place of least resistance for the manifestation of your desire. There are those magickal practitioners who have practice the art of being able to instantly manifest outcomes. This practice of energy manipulation is called Chaos Magick. Ever watch or heard of the show The Magicians on Netflix? It’s something kinda similar to that. If you dare, follow the rabbit hole —  Chaos Magick article link.


bright ideas

One of the best ways to get the mojo really running on your desire’s creation, try performing small inspired acts that empower and support your manifestation. The key word in this step would be “inspired”. If your steps feel forced, the positive momentum is likely to change. Always follow that inner voice which whispers the urge of inspired action. Acknowledge and follow those subtle nudges (aka impulses) that encourage you to spring forth to into action. These positive nudges come from your intuition and personal divine team (yes – we all have one). If you are unclear on how to listen to your intuition, contact me for some one-on-one support.


Regina King gratitude speech

Giving thanks should be the easiest step -right? Well, it can be the most difficult for a lot of people. Inauthentic gratitude = delayed results. The key here is to make your gratitude unconditional. Appreciate the sun on a cloudy day, find reasons in each day to be grateful. Momma Cosmos loves it when we adorn her with the smallest form of gratitude, and in return, she adorns us with abundance. Try creating a gratitude journal. Each day, write a list of at least 3 things you are grateful for. Do your best to list something different each day. In numerology, the number 3 is a mystical and divine number, having magickal manifestation energy. Keep your gratitude heartfelt and watch your abundance flow. 

I hope this post served you well. Please feel open to share what you’ve been able to manifest using this process, or if you have any tweaks that worked better for you! If you would like to see more posts similar to this topic let me know. Have any questions, feel free to email me, catch me on IG or comment below. May peace and blessing’s manifest with every lesson learned. – Badu

Give love. Receive love. 



P. S. – Remember, you are love, naturally.
