How to Open Communication with Your Spirit Guides (for Beginners)

June 4, 2020 1 Comments

We always hear about spirit guides when topics of esoteric or spirituality come up, but what is a spirit guide exactly? How do they help us in our day to day lives? Do they differ from our ancestors or guardian angels? All of which are very reasonable questions to have for anyone whether starting out or more seasoned, along with their personal spiritual path. 

Believe it or not, we are already naturally communicating with our Spirit Guides each and every day, and every minute of that day. If you are looking to open and establish the communication channels between you and your spirit guides, then this is the post for you.  

Below I’ve listed 7 suggested ways to help you develop more of a 2-way channel of communication and heighten your awareness of their daily presence.

The first step is identifying what a spirit guide is. When we are born, we are equipped with a few spiritual protectors. Each person is different, some folks are even born with demons as their spirit guides. (Not all demons are not evil, they are mainly energies that vibrate on a lower frequency, but I digress.) Your spirit guide acts as your guardian. You are given at least 1 Spirit Guide at birth, but the chances are you have several, with the main SG (this is how we will refer to the term spirit guide for the remainder of this post). Your main SG is your ace, your right hand, your ride or die, ya Day One. This Spirit Guide is assigned with watching over you, protecting you, and of course, guiding you. It can be a deceased loved one, an ancestor from your bloodline, a loved one from a past life, an extraterrestrial, or even an angel. 

Angels & Spirit Guides

To quickly clarify, angels, ancestors, and spirit guides are all different, all-powerful and are all here to help us. Not to mention the aid of the Ascended Masters and deities that also help humankind. Ascended Masters and deities alike can also serve as a spirit guide to us during our life, but let’s pin that for another time. 

Most spirit guides are energies that have walked this Earth, passed over, and successfully ascended their soul’s light to choose to return in a non-physical form and help other souls, that would be us, with ascension. Our Spirit Guides can even be extra-terrestrials, star seed family members from our own galactic tribe, watching over us from above, literally. It is believed that we too may have the option to return as a spirit guide to someone once we cross over…would you??

Now there are also SG’s that we can call upon when we need help with particular challenges in life from balancing our finances better to finding our soulmate or even learning a new skill. Your main SG will usually aid you in finding this (what I call a) “sit-in” spirit guide to help you with certain life projects. It’s safe to say that you most likely have multiple Spirit Guides you work with throughout your entire life.

It’s important that we do not personify our personal human emotions onto our SG’s, meaning, they will not judge you when you f*ck up and knew d*mn well you had no business doing whatever. They will remind you of your life purpose, your soul’s mission and give gentle nudges to keep you on the path that YOU decided upon when you chose to come into this physical form. And because of our free will, they cannot interfere too drastically in your life without your consent. Your spirit guides may also choose to teach you small lessons to keep you safe from making the same ‘ol mistake. Your SG has eternal, unconditional love for you, and with unconditional love, there is never judgment, punishment, or condemnation. Now that we’ve gotten that down, let’s discuss how to better connect with these beautiful, loving Beings.

7 Ways to Connect with Your Spirit Guides

1 – You must give permission

I know this sounds weird but because of our free will, our SG’s need our verbal consent to openly engage with us. You can do this simply by stating, “Spirit guides,” (or whatever name you chose to call them as they do not care), “I give you complete consent to openly engage with me, to guide me and work on my behalf for my greatest good.” This is really step one to working with your SG’s and leads us to our next suggested way to open communication.

2 – Speak to them

Now that we’ve opened the channels of communication by giving consent, it’s time for the part when you start to question your sanity, but in a good way. Speak to them, each day, and aloud. Just like talking to a person, you can speak to your SG’s the same way you talk to your friend or mom or loved one. Tell them about your day, the things you didn’t like, the things you loved, the things you need help with. Especially after a long day, you’ll notice that by doing this you’ll immediately start to feel better.

3 – Meditation

They say prayer is the act of speaking to Spirit and mediation is the act of listening. Meditation is life’s medicine. Set some time aside each day, even if for but 5 mins and sit in silence. This helps to quiet the constant chatter of our minds in order to receive the answers to our woes with clarity from our SG’s, especially when we need it most. Here are some suggested guided meditation videos. Carve at least 30min – 1hr out of your day as these are longer meditations but I do strongly suggest trying at least one of these guided meditations that I personally love:

4 – The Dream Realm

Each and every night you dream, whether or not you remember those dreams is a different story. Most of us when we dream, astral project to different realms, planets, dimensions and of course to the Spirit World. One of the best ways to communicate with and meet your guides is by asking them to visit you right before you go to sleep. Keep a dream journal and pen near your bedside and immediately write down anything you can recall the second you awaken! Use a Dream Journal application on your phone if you do not want to use old fashion pen and paper. Write down your emotions or names that stick out. Maybe it is a face you’d like to draw. Whatever you can recall, write it down or draw it. As you continue your dream work, you can find key answers to your everyday challenges and questions. 

Suggested guided dream meditation, a personal favorite of mine, Meet Your Spirit Guide In a Lucid Dream Meditation for Beginners (Hypnosis).

5 – Knowledge and Education

Do your research. Read a few books, articles and watch some YouTube videos to educate yourself on how to build and strengthen your relationship with your guides. One resource that has really helped me is How to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides: Connecting with Your Energetic Allies for Guidance and Healing, it is an Audiobook available on Audible, however, there are countless of other resources available to us out there. Educating ourselves on how to properly work with our guides is crucial because just as many good spirits that exist, there are trickster energies that may pose as your guides. Do not be fearful of this however, knowledge is your best sense of defense when venturing into the Spirit Realm.

6 – Oracle Cards

Daily affirmation and mantra cards, can be found at 5 Below.

Not to be confused with tarot cards. Not only are oracle cards AMAZINGLY easy to work with, but they can also be done so discreetly. I love working with the following decks and have found their energy to be eerily accurate in its responses:

Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards – great for those looking to connect with the Divine Feminine energy

Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards: A 55-Card Deck and Guidebook – Lovvvveeeee this deck. A MUST get, especially when working with your guides.

7 – Gratitude

Although gratitude is listed last, it really should start our list. Giving thanks is the single most powerful way to not only open the channels of communication with your SG’s but with the Great Mother Sophia, herself. Dedicate one notebook as a gratitude journal. Each day write down 3 – 7 things that you are truly and wholeheartedly thankful for that day. If you are inspired to write more, then write more. Do not hold back, if you had amazing sex the night before, list it! If you’re feeling the way your ass looks in those jeans today, jot that sh*t down. Do this for 21 days, if you cannot, try 7 days and if not 7, at least try this for 3 days consecutive. 


This is one of the easiest ways to cast a personal spell to manifest a desired or material outcome. Let it be known clearly what you want more of in your experience by showing written thanks in the present tense. For example, if you want more love in your life, you’d write something to the effects of, “I am eternally grateful for the abundance of self, romantic and sexual love that enters into my life.”

Challenge Yourself!

  • 1. Write in your journal for 7 consecutive days. If you miss a day start over! Let me know what magical occurrences and answers have begun to show up in your life by commenting below.  
  • 2. At the very start of your day, ask your SG’s for a particular sign to show their presence. As humans, we like proof, no? Be specific, I always ask for butterflies or ladybugs. Sometimes I try to get crafty and ask for a specific colored butterfly. Try to stick with one thing and keep your eyes peeled over the next few days (or hours!) and watch the magic unfold. WARNING: This exercise actually does work, so be careful what you wish for 🙂

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Remember, you are love, you are light and you are exactly where you are supposed to be. 

– Love Naturalee


1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Kelly Smith

    January 9, 2021

    Hey Tiffany,

    First I want to congratulate you for putting such an amazing page together !! This is amazing!!

    I just saw your link on your IG page and read your article on how to connect with your spirit guides.
    This is exactly what I needed and I’m so thankful I have come across this.

    You are truly talented and gifted! I’m so glad I met you ❤️
    Thank you for this wonderful gift and sharing your knowledge.