It’s Time You Shined! Ignite Passionate Lovin’ This Summer With These 3 Magical Beauty Rituals

July 6, 2022 0 Comments

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Summer-lovin, time to have a blast! Can you feel the summer’s heat turning up the love and passion in your life? The beauty this summer brings will leave you in the mood for love, love, and more love. So, it’s only fitting that we start with a few magical beauty rituals that I swear by! There’s a little somethin’ for everybody in today’s post. Get ready to tap into your inner Adonis or Aphrodite and allow these mystical beauty secrets to unlock a summer of romance and seduction for you!

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Beauty and love spells are the most popular forms of magic. Outside of money spells, matters of the heart seem to rule when it comes to magical rituals. Consider some of the steps you take now to maintain your physical exterior. Do you work out, have a fierce skin regiment, or know how to slay an outfit? However, if you choose to express your form of beauty, the most important thing to remember before going further into this post is…

Beauty is within the eye of the beholder, and guess who’s the beholder? You are!

This post is by no means intended to make you feel inadequate. True beauty starts with your self-belief in seeing what is already beautiful about you. Struggle with self-belief? Want to work on strengthening your self-belief system, listen in here.

Be authentic in your personal expression of beauty. The more authentically you express yourself, the more authentic you will begin to feel. In turn, this will inspire confidence and a love match that desires you for you.

Isn’t that something we all want? Someone who wants me, for me.

Bring back the passionate spark between you and your partner by channeling your sexy force this summer. These 3 Magical Beauty Rituals are the perfect formula for igniting love in your life.

During the summer, with the power of the summer solstice, there is a surgency of sexual, romantic, and kinetic energy. With the Earth reaching temperatures warm enough to produce lush vegetation across the globe, fertility rituals are key during this time of year as well. Summer magic is a great time for:

– Working with solar energy

– Strengthening of the sacral and solar plexus chakras

– Quick manifestations

– Abundance and luck spells

– Kundalini and Tantric work

– Fertility magic (in all forms, not just childbirth)

The driving elemental influence of the summer is, that’s right you guessed it, fire! Because of the heat production that happens across the planet and the nearness to the Earth, the Sun becomes, it is through this that such magical holy days as Litha and Lammas appear. You could not be choosing a more perfect time to begin attracting love through the power of letting your personal beauty shine through.

When You Say Magical Beauty Ritual, What Do You Mean Exactly?

First, let’s define the word ritual. A ritual is a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. As humans, we have rituals for just about everything. We like to call these rituals things like “routines” or “regiments”. Whether you have a workout routine, hair washing routine, or dance routine, it is still a set of required steps to complete a long-term goal.

The same applies when we are discussing magic. Magical rituals can be as complex or as simple as the magician has created it.

Rituals should not be confused with spells.

Well, yes and no. A spell is a ritual, but a ritual is not a spell. If that makes any sense. You can conduct a spell without performing a long-drawn-out ritual to achieve the desired manifested results. While some may argue that the intricacy of certain spells can feel like ritual (or ritualistic!) spells are easily performed without the use of rituals. Most rituals do include spells, but there are many that do not, such as those conducted at mass within Catholic or Coptic churches (or do they?).

Image by Orna Wachman from Pixabay

The magical beauty rituals that I provide are a combination of both rituals and spells. This means, that some rituals are more detailed in the manner of performing than others. Each spell or ritual is intended to help you:

  • Connect to your inner confidence
  • Develop your personal sense of style
  • Strengthen your self-acceptance, flaws, and all!
  • Release that stallion or she-wolf that you’ve left in the closet a little bit too long

Once you begin to see these things about yourself, the universe will have no reason BUT to respond!

How to Get Prepared and Get the Most Out of These Rituals!

Before you begin performing ANY of my (sure to work) beauty rituals and spells, you MUST conduct the following self-evaluation and preparatory steps!

Step 1) Define what your definition of beauty looks like. Browse a few magazines or search Pinterest for fashion, hairstyles, make-up, and color palettes that you find beautiful. Try not to pick certain people like Rihanna or Kylie K. because you do not want to model yourself after someone else. You need to define the terms of beauty that work for you. Not that you cannot have inspo from these fashion icons, just remember to let it be just that, inspiration and not imitation.

Step 2) Access what you currently got workin’ for you. What do you absolutely love about yourself? Physically and non-physically. Play up your features and highlight those things that always get complimented about you by others. Write these items out on a list in two categories, Category #1 – Physical and Category # 2 – Non-Physical.

Step 3) Let’s address your expectations. These are not miracle beauty spells. I do not promise plastic surgeon results, nor do I encourage plastic surgery. But, to each its own. What results you can expect are an increased sense of self-confidence, sexual allure, personal power, and attention from the desired sex. Most importantly, expect to attract potential love interests, which leads us to our final step.

Step 4) It’s intention setting time! Before proceeding to the below rituals, evaluate what type of love goals you have. Do you want a long-term partner, a quick passionate fling, a friend with benefits, or a few friends with benefits? Perhaps you’re newly single and finally ready to get back into the romance world, or you’re looking to channel deep self-love. Regardless of your desired outcome, gain clarity first on what you are looking to attract in the love department. The clearer your intention is, the clearer the energy of the spell work.

Ok…you’ve waited long enough.

Here are the 3 Magical Beauty Rituals Sure to Ignite Summer-Lovin!

Magical Beauty Ritual # 1 – The Osun Bath

If you’ve not heard about lady Osun, well, allow me to introduce you to the Mother of Moving Waters. Osun (pronounced ‘O’ ‘shoon’) is a Yoruban Orisha of Love, Beauty, Joy, Abundance, Sensuality, Seduction, and Magic. She is the youngest of the Orishas in her pantheon and among the most popular of the Orishas that are venerated today.

Take this bath on a Friday only, either on or as close as possible to the Full Moon. As she is the Goddess of the Moon as well.

Ingredients –

  • 2 Yellow or Gold (Jar) Candles
  • ½ cup Pink Himalayan salt
  • ½ cup Sea Salt
  • 3 whole oranges
  • 3 whole lemons
  • Yellow Flowers
  • Cinnamon powder or oil
  • Honey
  • Pound cake (premade or homemade)
  • A small saucer
  • HoneyRose or Rose Incense
  • Sexy music
  • Sexy garbes

Instructions –

  1. Add both Sea and Himalayan salt into a small saucer.
  2. Slice 5 slices for each lemon and orange and place on top of the salt in the saucer.
  3. Add either cinnamon powder or oil to citrus slices, test on skin first! Cinnamon can burn the skin, so please only add a few drops or sprinkles.
  4. Generously drizzle honey over the fruit and salt.
  5. You can prepare this salt mix one night before taking your bath to allow it to soak overnight in the Moon’s rays.
  6. Run your warm water bath. Light incense, prepare your sexy garbs and music.
  7. Add the flowers and ingredients from the bowl that you prepared earlier into the bath. As you do, call Osun’s name. Give thanks for her appearance, and lessons on beauty and love, and self-care. Envision yourself as the Goddess, your image and her image becoming one. Imagine your bath glowing with radiant light.
  8. Light your candles, speak your intention, give thanks again, and now enter your bath.
  9. As you bathe in Osun’s restoring waters, imagine you are safe in your personal oasis of beauty, love, and nourishment. Remain here however long you need. When done, air dry. Allow your candles to burn down exercising fire safety.
  10. Change into your sexy garbes. If you do not have complete privacy, wear something underneath your clothing or conduct right before bed and fall asleep in it. Sexy garbes can be an outfit or shoes that you feel very sexy in versus just lingerie. Although, lingerie is a go-to!
  11. While adorned in your sexy attire of choice, guiltlessly indulge in a slice of poundcake in Osun’s honor. If you cannot have it due to dietary restrictions, set a slice out for her with Spring Water as a small token of gratitude.

Magical Beauty Ritual # 2 -The Third Pentacle of Venus

Sounds official, right? This is considered a Seal of Solomon. King Solomon from the Bible helped bound demons into seals to gain control over them. This does not mean at all that you will be working with demons. Instead using this pentacle (or seal) channels the Goddess of Love, Venus. Venus, aka Aphrodite, is the Roman Primordial Mother of Beauty, Sensuality, Luxury, the Arts, Wealth, and Pleasure.

This pentacle drew my attention while reading Secrets of Magical Seals by Anna Riva. Which I strongly recommend to those who want to take greater command of their craft. The Third Pentacle of Venus is said to attract the wearer’s desired lover, respect, and admiration for their beauty. Greatly intrigued, I went on to try this Pentacle out using the following spell, and the results were (and still are) astonishing. Here’s what I did!

Image by Loke_Artemis from Pixabay


  • Pink or red male or female candle (choose the sex of candle to match your sexual identity, NOT to match the type of person you want to attract) (Red brings more passion, pink brings more intimacy)
  • Sweet almond oil (or olive oil)
  • Dried red or pink rose petals
  • Catnip
  • Honey
  • Magnetic powder or a magnet
  • Beauty and sex branded incense
  • A printed copy of the Seal and scissors

Instructions –

  1. On a Friday night during the New, Waxing, or Full Moon. Take a spiritual bath or shower. Not sure what a spiritual bath or shower is, learn more about how to complete one here.
  2. Cut out in a circular pattern the printed Third Pentacle of Venus.
  3. Drizzle with a bit of honey and sprinkle with magnetic powder. If you are using a magnet instead, set the magnet aside for now.
  4. Cleanse your candle using your preferred method.
  5. Anoint your candle with sweet almond oil or olive oil.
  6. Next, place the base of your candle to stand on top of the cut-out seal. The seal should be facing upwards.
  7. Then place the upwards-facing seal and candle on top of a fire-safe plate or tray.
  8. Drizzle candle with honey then sprinkle with catnip.
  9. As you sprinkle, imagine all that all the beauty you seek is coming to you with ease.  
  10. (If using a magnet or lodestone) place the magnet near the bottom of the candle, covering the seal if need be. Do not worry if it gets covered with wax once the candle starts to burn down, you want that!
  11. Sprinkle in a clockwise motion around your candle, the dried rose petals and magnetic power. Dust a bit onto your standing candle as well.
  12. Light your candle. Hold your intention in mind. Visualize all of that you seek already happening.
  13. Listen to music, draw art, write poetry, conduct a spa day, or watch a love movie. Do whatever it is that gets you in the mood to receive what’s coming in.
  14. DO NOT LEAVE this candle unattended due to the number of oils and herbs used to bless it.
  15. Once the candle has completely (and safely) burned down, collect your seal along with some pieces of wax. Fold the seal up with the wax and wear in a charm bag or sprinkle in a purse or shoes.
  16. (CAUTION) Please exercise fire safety when burning this type of candle as it is using hoodoo methods of heavy herbs and oils. As an open candle flame, it is STRONGLY advised that you DO NOT LEAVE unattended at ANY point. Please do not leave around pets or children.

Magical Beauty Ritual # 3 – Orgasmic Affirmations

I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I do mean sex. Single peeps! Do not fear, this too is for you. The art of mantras and affirmations are linked to yogic practices. While there are many versions of power mantras, we will be focusing on the world of tantra.

Tantra is the Sanskrit word for loom or weave. Tantra uses slow build techniques that direct kundalini energy to encourage spiritual awakening and manifestations through sexual energy.

This ritual is the most freestyle type. Create the sensual setting of your choice. The goal of this ritual is your climax. However, if you achieve this is up to you. While it is optional to work with a partner for this exercise, it is best to begin solo to ensure clarity in the results of your manifestation.


  • Tools to create the desirable sensual & romantic environment of your choice
  • Ensure extended privacy without interruption
  • (Optional) Adult toys of choice
  • (Optional) A partner

Instructions –

  1. The instructions on this one are simple. Start with your intention.
  2. Once you have a clear intention on your beauty aspiration i.e. “I am undeniably irresistible and undoubtingly attractive.” The more specific and concise, the better. Do not make your affirmation too complex or lengthy. Write it down and have it in your line of sight while performing this ritual.
  3. Next, begin your tantric ritual by building sexual momentum.
  4. Allow yourself to come as close to climaxing and then stop before you do.
  5. Do this several times until your sexual energy has built up so much it is ready to burst out of you.
  6. While climaxing, state your affirmation (your intention) aloud or lock it in your mind’s eye. Hold the image for a few seconds and release knowing that your manifestation is on the way.

Whew, is it getting hot in here or what? You are officially ready to declare yourself as the beauty ambassador of your own brand.

Always remember, there is no ritual or spell that makes you greater than who you are, but only the vibrational alignment to attune to what is already there.

If you have any questions about the rituals, just Drop Me a Line or email me at Let me know which ritual you liked the best and share your results with me. What personal magical beauty rituals do you swear by? I’d love to hear from you. Just leave a comment below.

Until our next encounter.

Stay gorgeous, darrrrlings.
