How to Spring Back into Alignment: Spring Cleaning for the Soul

· Spring Cleaning Tips for Soul Alignment ·

April 6, 2021 0 Comments

What do you immediately think about when you hear the word “Spring”?

Thoughts of Easter may come to mind. Triggering childhood memories of the Easter bunny and chocolate delights.

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of spring cleaning or had your fair share of a spring fling. Ever wonder why there are spring dances hosted by so many school systems?

Spring cleaning is one of the most popular activities during the springtime. So popular that it’s become a marketable industry for retailers. Offering, yet another product that you don’t need. But ever consider spring cleaning for the Soul?

Spring cleaning is such a trend, that it inspired bloggers, like myself, to deliver this very post to you now.

This post is not about how well you should fold your linens to avoid wrinkles. Or how many flaps your curtains need to clear away the winter’s collection of dust. What I am here to tell you is beyond the basic house tidying tips.

What I’m after is…your Soul (bwahahaha).

Ok – well not in the checkered black and white floor way.

Here are some of the most simple and effective rituals that will shake those winter blues and spring you back into alignment on the Soul level!

What is the meaning of Spring?

My mother wanted to name me Spring because of the day I was born on.

Because of this, I’ve always shared a deep personal love affair with the season of Spring. It’s my absolute favorite next to Autumn. The reason for this deep love affair is because it represents renewal. It encourages fertility, abundance, and fresh starts.

If you are not in a climate where the four seasons are available to you, you can still embrace this energy. The purpose of spring cleaning is to clear out all clutter. It is a time to make room for newer, better things, people, and occurrences.

Spring cleaning your home is synchronistic to your personal relationship with Spirit. In Feng Sui, how well the flow of energy is balanced throughout your home reflects in your life.

Spring cleaning on the Soul level is quite similar, but far more intimate. As your guide, I will help you to clear spiritual clutter, leaving you feeling lighter.

Choosing to tap into the energy of spring will bring you back into alignment, with ease. You may be wondering is spring cleaning on the soul level, even for me?

Well, there is only one way to find out.

  • Were you greatly affected by any major life changes within the past year such as (job loss, starting a new job, relocating, new roommates, surgeries)?
  • Do you feel sleepy, heavy, lethargic, cloudy-minded, or in a general fog most of your day?
  • Do you look down-right dusty or dull? (I just saying, be real with yourself, and juuuust for good measures, confirm with a bestie ;} smooches)
  • Do you feel achy pain (that is not related to a past accident) in your lower back near your tailbone and hip area?

Spring cleaning for the soul is a lot like spring cleaning your home. It requires your time, energy, and effort. I’ve put together some proven ways that have helped me master alignment over the years.

Most of these steps I’ve been doing all my life. Not even realizing how in-tune I was with the cycles of mother Mawu, and I’m sure you have too!

I am providing you with many ways to align, so you will have the choice to incorporate as many methods as you’d like. (You will notice I switch up between saying method and ritual. Know that I am referring to the same thing.)

My suggestion to you is to try each of the rituals to see which works best for you. For the most effective results, use them all. No matter the approach you take, it is of great pertinence to remember, the power is all yours!


Setting the Intention

Things always tend to manifest faster when we have a clear reason on why we want or need something. Think of a few reasons why you would want to conduct a Spring Soul Cleaning.

Consider your answers to the earlier questions and examine your responses. Even if none of the above questions resonate with you, try my methods anyway. I mean, if you’ve read this far then there is a reason that you’ve landed here on this post – am I right or am I right?

That said, together, right now, let’s set the following intention. Recite after me…

It is my personal intention this Spring, but not limited to, to create deep alignment within my heart, mind, and Spirit, and to clean away all impurities that no longer serve me on the Soul level.

The benefits of Soul-Level Spring Cleaning will bring you back into:

  • Greater clarity with thoughts
  • An increased ability to focus
  • More energy throughout your day, adding that ‘spring’ back into your step
  • Increase desire and feeling frisky (purrrr)
  • Gaining a natural glow that penetrates through from the physical to your aura
  • Increased sense of confidence and knowing oneself

Okay, I think we’re ready. Here are some very effective ways to spring back into alignment on the Soul level.

Start hydrating immediately.

Water is a powerful element, molecule, and substance. Increasing your water intake will immediately help with your digestive and urinary tracts. It enhances your skin as well.

On an inner level, water aids in the development of the pineal activity. This supports your psychic abilities. Now, this does not mean that you will develop powers like Professor Jean Grey by chugging a gallon of H2O.

Over time what will happen is an increased sense of what I like to call “mental fluidity”. You will get a feeling as if your brain is being lubricated. Add fruit to your water if desired.

My personal recommendation would be to build a unique relationship with simple water. If you have a high-water intake already, increase it within reason. Please be mindful of water poisoning. I did tell you water was a very powerful substance.

Conduct a physical cleanse.

Popular cleanses usually target weight-loss/flat-belly, colon, kidney, liver, or lung. You can do a cleanse for about any organ in your body, including your blood by taking a collection of herbs.

Doing cleanses is great! They aid in clearing our bodies of nasty buildup from years of poor eating and other stressors on the body.

While there are so many products on the market, one of the most effective cleanses is the green juice/smoothie cleanse. This green juice/smoothie cleanse targets all areas of your body aiding in weight loss, increased libido, and glowing skin. This book transformed my approach to cleanses.

10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse by JJ Smith | Audiobook |

The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse, by JJ Smith. I am currently trying The Cleaner 7 Day Women’s Formula: Ultimate Body Detox. I will let you know in a future post how well this product works, I’ve read great reviews.

You can find this product, as well as so many others (and some slamming vegan cookies) at Urban Marketplace. Located in Roselle, NJ, or check with your local health food stores, and online, of course.

WARNING: Always consult with your primary care physician before initiating any cleanse. You want to make sure you are in good health to perform one. Always listen to your body and do what feels right.

Mr. DeMille, I’m Ready for My Close-Up.

Alright Mr. Demille, I'm ready for my closeup” : Colorization

Taking good care of your skin starts with having a solid skin-care routine. While I cringe at the word “routine” – shivers, having a good skin-care routine in place is essential.

The thing about great skincare is it starts from within. Since spring represents newness, a great way to link this energy to your skincare routine is simple.

Bathe in the sun and add sun water to your facial mist. Facial mists such as rose water are wonderful to use. To make sun water is simple, use a mason jar (or any glass jar with a sealable lid) and add spring water. Close the jar and sit out in the sun and leave the sealed jar of spring water exposed to the sun for about 3 hours.

Anything longer is not needed. The longer it sits in the sun, the water will begin to sweat, which can make it skunky and unpleasant to drink. Add what you’d like to your facial mist and drink the remaining water.

For an added bonus, I place a rose quartz crystal into the water for love and beauty.

Witch Tip: Collect a small amount of fresh morning dew from the grass. Brush it across your face for a youthful appearance.

It’s time to get down and dirty, baby!

When is the last time you got dirty? No, not that way, when is the last time you’ve planted something?

Take a new plant and place it into a flowerpot with fresh dirt or insert it into the ground. If you have a natural green thumb, this should be easy for you.

But if Earth magic is not your strong suit (like me) try to go with a smaller option to plant. You can even opt to plant seeds instead. This exercise grounds and protects you, as well as gives appreciation back to the Earth.

And when we give to the Earth, She gives back to us.

Get artistic.

Painting Easter eggs are not only childish games to keep them occupied, it’s a way to connect to the inner child.

One of the best ways to do this is through art. Use paints instead of crayons or colored pencils for this exercise. In particular, watercolors are perfect for the spring season.

Allow your mind to connect with the brush strokes on your canvas. This activates your Sacral chakra.

You do not have to be great at painting. If you are, go into this piece with a childlike approach, and how do we do this you ask??

No rules, only you, your creative mind, and the canvas. Oh! – and the most important piece of all, remember to have fun.

Well…a little birdie told me so.

The art of ornithomancy may be dead in our present-day world. Yet, the ancient Greeks and Romans often practiced this ancient art. Ornithomancy is the study of birds’ patterns to predict omens, through observation and listening.

While this may sound silly present-day, haven’t you ever wondered where the saying comes from? “A little bird told me.” Birds are very magical creatures who connect us to the angelic realm. Sighting a red robin or blue jay can be a positive omen, a sign that our deceased loved ones are near, or that our angels are close.

Fun fact, did you know the red robin laid eggs that were turquoise in color! 

One morning to listen to their melodic songs allowing them to lull you into a peaceful state of mind. Close your eyes and do this at a time so you will not be disturbed for at least 5 mins.

If you do not live in a climate that supports this method, try listening to this audio of amazing bird songs.

  • What channeled messages did you receive?
  • Did you receive any gentle nudges to start a new project or confirmation to an answer you’d been stressing?

Either way, don’t worry, about a ting, cuz every lil ting iz gonna be alright.

Go back into your meditative state, you’ll be surprised what message 3 lil birds may have in store for you.

Just breathe and stop, for real, now give it what you got.

Remember that song by Q-tip from 1999?

Ok – being born in the 80’s did come with some advantages; good hip-hop music was one of them. This is the premise for this method.

Consider right now your natural breathing pattern. One of the best ways to spring into alignment on the soul level is through the breath.

The breath relates to how much prana you allow to circulate in and out of your body. Prana means life force.

I view prana as an exchange between my physical body and my Higher-self. Imagining my Higher-self breathing immortality and healing back into my physical vessel.

A super simple, but effective breathing technique is the following. Slowly breathe in through your nose (with a natural count to 4) and breathe out of your nose (with a natural count to 5). Nothing more, nothing less.

You do not need to hold your breath between breaths with this technique, so take time with your counts. It is great to try while you are driving or during rest breaks while working.

There is no goal in mind, just breathe in to the count of 4, out to 5. Once you get a good flow going, you may feel a sensation of tingles. If you start to get dizzy then stop.

While this is not typical to happen, keep in mind any health conditions you may have.

Embrace the colors pink and green.

I always wanted to pledge Alpha Kappa Alpha when in high school because I loved their colors, green and pink. These colors represent friendship, healing, romantic love, and fertility.

To increase the presence of these energies in your life this spring, sort through your wardrobe or chose a room for redecorating. You can opt to wear more pink and green daily or add some décor to your bedroom and/or office, or living room.

Doing this will activate the energies that relate to the heart chakra. Green and pink represent the heart chakra. Balancing the heart chakra aligns you on the soul level to be a receptor and deliverer of unconditional love.

This influences existing and newer relationships but is not restricted to romantic partnerships. The heart chakra governs mature love on all levels.

Once we achieve a more balanced heart chakra, our inner guidance system runs at an optimal level. Through the powers of pink and green, we are two steps closer to doing so.


Is that a Monet?

pink flower in vase near female bust

Ok, my brilliant students, for this week’s homework assignment, you will have the following task.

Tools needed:

  • (2) small canvases, in case one gets damaged or to really stay in the heart of things you can opt to use boiled eggs (your preference)
  • Watercolor paint set
  • Paint brushes


This assignment is pretty easy and super fun.

The reason that I tell you to use watercolors is to coincide with the gentleness of spring. If you are feeling more inspired to use bolder colors, got for its lovelies!

First, take some time to connect with what you’d like to bring into this new year. Remember, March 20th -21st is the Spring Equinox and is the official new year for Earth. Despite western tradition to celebrate New Year’s on the eve of January 31st. What new things would you like to have happened over this year? What are you looking to manifest?

Now, with strong intent, take your watercolor set, and begin painting your abstract art. Do not worry about drawing figures or objects and how perfect they look. Don’t consider what is the proper way to paint an actual person.

Let it flow and express. When done, allow it to dry and place it on display somewhere where you will be able to see it each day. If you used the boiled eggs, take a pic, then peel and eat the eggs for added luck!

NOTE: Don’t keep the eggs on display for too long or they will start to spoil.

Tip: Take a pic of your artistic masterpiece and add it to your phone as a screen saver. This will further program your subconscious mind on what you would like to manifest.

How to submit your assignment? Send to me via Pinterest and I’ll add it to our LN Pinterest Board or join my Facebook group and share with me there!

Remember to tap into the energies of this Spring in whichever way you’d like. If you’ve found a more creative way to do this, please share with me below by commenting, I’d love to hear about it. If you have any other family traditions that you do, comment and share that too! Each one, teach one.

Take advantage of this energy and charge of your alignment. With honest intent, using the above methods, begin taking those steps towards living a life that you love, naturally.

Happy Spring my Beautiful Bunnies
